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'내 생각엔', '기분 나쁘게 듣지마', '사실' 을 영어로? | i think 대신 쓸 수 있는 다양한 원어민 표현 본문
1. reckon : similar to think
Do you think it'll rain tomorrow? -> Do you reckon it'll raing tomorrow?
I think it'll be clear all day -> I reckon it'll be clear all day
2. find : give or ask for opinions
How are you finding your new job? -> i'm finding work pretty stressful at the moment.
How did you find the exam? -> i ffound the exam really easy, actiudally!
3. to be honest [솔직히] : when being very truthful oifr shocking or surprising opinions.
I don't reaaly care, to be honest!
To be honest, i love you
4. no offence, but [기분 나쁘게 듣지마] : giving opinions that may upset[당황] somemone else
No offence, but this work is kind of rubbish[쓰레기]!
No offence, but your cooking is the worst thing i've ever smelled in my life!
밑의 링크는 내가 정리한 내용의 원본 영상입니다. 이해가 되지 않거나 더 추가적인 내용이 궁금하시다면 영상보시는 것을 추천합니다.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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'Actually' 이제 그만! _ 원어민이 actually 대신 쓰는 고급 어휘 4가지 (0) | 2020.05.25 |
영어 면접 질문 English Interview Question! (0) | 2020.02.07 |
영어 면접 시, 필수 문장! (0) | 2020.02.07 |
짠돌이를 영어로 뭐라고 할까? (0) | 2020.01.15 |